Monday, November 11, 2019

Dont Ruin Your Job Interview Chances by Making These 10 Mistakes

Don’t Ruin Your Job Interview Chances by Making These 10 Mistakes Don’t Ruin Your Job Interview Chances by Making These 10 Mistakes If you really want the job, don’t ruin your job interview chances by making these mistakes! Here are 10 mistakes that are likely to ruin your job interview chances: 1. You’re inconsistent. During the job interview, you tell the manager that you’re looking to leave because you outgrew your position. But then, when you meet the Big Boss, you say that you’re leaving because you’re interested in the company’s flex. Well, which is it? Remember that all the people you interview with will likely compare notes- and a  potential employer is not going to try to decipher whats fact and whats  fiction.  The discrepancy in your statements could cost you the job. 2. You badmouth your current/former  boss. To say that you and your current boss don’t see eye-to-eye is an understatement of epic proportions. So when you sit down with the hiring manager, you start feeling chummy and comfortable and you let it slip that you loathe your current boss. You call him or her names. You point fingers. You go on and on about how horrible he or she really is. That can be a big torpedo in your chances to get hired. If you’re asked a question about your current boss, try to find something positive to say about him. Otherwise, you risk looking like an unprofessional complainer who enjoys drama. 3. You lie. Lying on your job application  or in the interview can, and likely will,  kill any credibility you have, and ruin your chances of getting hired. You may think your fib is foolproof, but HR managers are trained to look for discrepancies and spot red flags. In this day and age when almost anything can be verified online, it’s better to tell the truth on your job application, because you don’t want to get the reputation among hiring mangers that you’re a liar. 4. You don’t explain why you want the job. During a job interview, you can earn big brownie points by pinpointing all the reasons why you want to work for a company. If you fail to mention these reasons during the job interview, a potential boss might walk away from it thinking that you just want a job- any job- with the first employer who makes an offer. Be sure to express why you want to work for that company, and what excited you most about this role in particular. Let your personality and passion shine through, and show some enthusiasm for this job. 5. You make it all about the flex. You’d rather call in sick than have to commute even one more day to your current job. But even if you’re interviewing with a remote company for a full-time telecommuting job, you can’t make that the major reason why you want the position (even if it is). Mention the great parts of the job and the company- and what you can bring to the role if hired- and avoid talking about the work flexibility aspect of the position, since that can be a turn-off to a potential employer. 6. You show up late. Even if it isn’t your fault, being late for a job interview can be the kiss of death, particularly to a punctual employer who has interviews lined up back-to-back after yours. Although things can and will happen, budget your time generously for those speed bumps that can block you from getting to your interview on time. Prepare your interview outfit the night before, get all of your documents ready for the interview, map out the location ahead of time (if you have to travel for an in-person interview), and make sure that you have child-care coverage in place for the time you’ll be away. 7. You show up unprepared. Hiring managers appreciate when candidates do their homework and  show up prepared- and they have come to expect it. If you come without any questions prepared, or any knowledge of what the company does or what the job involves, you probably wont leave a great impression. 8. You don’t test your tech before the interview. You have a job interview with a fully remote company at 9:30 a.m. So at 9:25 a.m., you turn on your computer, log in to the video conferencing program- and nothing. No connection. The minutes tick by, and you’re now late for your remote job interview. If you have a video interview, it’s a good idea to test your tech the night before to make sure it’s all working as it should, and then again the day of your interview to ensure that your Internet connection is strong and to head off any potential glitches. Of course a tech issue thats out of your control wont necessarily lose you the job, but it certainly wont help! 9. You  dont follow basic rules of etiquette. Having bad manners will very likely put a bad taste in the interviewers mouth. Making one or two small mistakes wont necessarily be a deal-breaker, but if you consistently practice bad etiquette throughout the meeting, the hiring manager will probably think twice about bringing you on. For instance, failing to greet the security guard or receptionist can be a huge mistake! Dont treat anyone like they arent important. Also, chewing gum throughout the interview; forgetting to introduce yourself or say thank you;  or checking your phone during the conversation can kill your chances. 10. You dont follow up with a thank you. You can ace the interview and  still ruin your chances. How? The follow-up! Forgetting to send a thank-you note to those with whom you met can be detrimental. Some hiring managers put more weight on the follow-up than you might think. So, no matter how confident you are when you walk out of the interview, dont ruin everything by forgetting to express your gratitude. Sure, there are many things that can go wrong during a job interview, but there are also a lot of ways to avoid these mistakes. No matter how nervous you might be, play close attention to your behavior and do whatever you can to make the best impression possible!

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